Last week we sorted through the raffle and drew the winners. All winners have been informed! We did everything by hand to be sure that it was as fair as possible. It meant the whole thing was a little slower and more laborious than we thought.
I did want to write to express my gratitude for your generosity. When I sat watching the news two weeks ago, I felt compelled to do something, and the fact that we had so many people willing to give very generous prizes meant the whole thing was easier and more enjoyable than I could have imagined. Let alone all of those marvellous people who bought tickets and shared the raffle. It was incredibly heartwarming.
When we started this, I said I wanted the raffle to raise £8k. I don't know why but that number just stuck in my head. Within the first day, we made £6k. Soon after, we hit 10K, and over the weekend, we closed in on £30k. Yesterday at midday, the total stood at £49,473.
We have sent 90% of this to DEC Ukranian Appeal as they work with many different charities on the ground, so hopefully, this is the most helpful place to send it. With the remaining 10%, we have split it between two media outlets. The first is The Kyiv Independent. A newspaper on the ground in Kyiv who continue to report in life-threatening situations. The second is Meduza, which is 'the largest remaining Russian independent news outlet, who are turning to crowdfunding in an attempt to sustain what's left of the country's non-state approved reportage'.
Thank you so much!
Slava Ukraine!